The Royal New South Wales Lancers

The Commanders

This page provides the details of those who have had the supreme New South Wales and Australian Army honours of commanding the New South Wales Cavalry, New South Wales Lancers, or Royal New South Wales Lancers.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Malcolm Melville Macdonald 10 Feb 1885 - 31 Dec 1893 go to top of page

Gazetted as captain to command the Sydney Light Horse on its formation in January 1885; sworn in, 10/2/1885; major, 20/9/1885, commanding the N.S.W. Cavalry Reserve Corps; commanding the N.S.W. Cavalry Regiment, 10/12/1889; lieutenant-colonel, 1/1/1890; colonel, 17/7/1893, to command the N.S.W. Mounted Brigade upon its formation, 1/8/1893; retired, 19/6/1896.

At the time of joining the Sydney Light Horse he was 65 years of age. He had joined the service of the East India Company in 1837 and later transferred to the Imperial service; took part in the Scinde Campaign, 1839, and went to Afghanistan in 1840; commanded the Poona Horse in Upper Scinde, 1847; was incessantly engaged against the Baluchi and Kandahari tribes on the frontier, and was at the siege of Mooltan in 1848. Before retiring from the Indian service he held the appointments of assistant adjutant-general, assistant quartermaster-general, deputy judge advocate-general and assistant commis sary-general. He came down from the frontier in poor health and having obtained a sick certificate was sent to New South Wales by the Commissary-General to purchase horses for India; he arrived about 1854 and remained there.

Tall (1.86 m), dignified and of commanding presence, he lived much as an English sporting gentleman in a house close to where North Sydney Railway Station has been built and had a room permanently kept for boxing; he is remembered, when he was rising 80 years of age, asking his friends to stop and have a spar.

His enthusiasm for the young regiment and zealous work in developing it earned him great praise and admiration from its members. His letter book, 1886-88, shows terse disciplinary remarks to his officers when needed, but all are fair; he often used the word "gentlemen" when addressing a unit.

 Major Alexander J. Dodds 1 Jan 1894 - 27 Apr 1894 go to top of page

Joined Sydney Light Horse, 13/2/1885, and, like Captain A. J. Metcalf, was made a sergeant upon joining; lieutenant, 29/9/1885; captain, 16/3/1886; major, 17/7/1893; in command, 1/1/1894 until 27/4/1894 when he retired.

Both his brothers, William and Fred, were also in the Sydney Troop. All three were great horse lovers, Fred at times taking walers to India. Their station, Barraba, near Ellalong, was noted for the Childers breed of heavy bay hacks. The paddocks, and a bushrangers' steep track over to the Wollombi side, are now dotted with the appurtenances of the coalfields.

Major Dodds was in charge of the tournament team that was sent to Great Britain in 1893. He was a fine figure on horseback, with his white helmet and red and white horsehair plumes. By profession he was a solicitor. In his later years his home was at Wollstonecraft.

 Major John James Walters 28 Apr 1894 - 1 Sep 1897 go to top of page

Joined the Moss Vale detachment of the West Camden Light Horse as a trooper, 5/8/1885; captain, 8/12/1886, to command the West Camden L.H. vice Captain J. A. K. Mackay, resigned; major, 28/4/1894, and regimental commander from that date until 1/9/1897 when he was transferred to the Reserve.

A tall, spare man, very straight in the saddle, he could be recognised from a distance by his fierce horizontal moustache which seemed several inches long; a great horseman with a keen eye, he had a preference for the bush over the city.

 Lieutenant-Colonel James Burns (later Colonel Sir James Burns, KCMG, MLC) 2 Sep 1897 - 30 Jun 1903 go to top of page

Joined Parramatta Troop as a trooper, 6/6/1891; captain, 23/7/1891; major, 9/1/1896; lieutenant-colonel, 17/9/1897; in command of the regiment from 2/9/1897 until 30/6/1903.

Colonel Burns was born on 10 February 1846 at Polmont, Stirlingshire, Scotland. Migrated in in 1862 and worked in Australia as a Jackaroo. Following a trip to Scotland in 1870 he visited war-torn France as an observer. With colleague Robert Philp he formed Burns Philp and Company Ltd in in April 1883.

As Commanding Officer he brought to bear his high business instincts in the problems of his regiment, and developed it rapidly where his private purse could be of any use; his generosity was unending, and the personal interest he took in so many of its members, and in the needs of the various sub-units, together with his quiet, gentlemanly manner, made him perhaps more beloved than any other of the regiment's commanders. Thanks should be given him by members of all periods for having made possible the tours of duty to the Diamond Jubilee and to Aldershot which provided good experience and contacts and brought in useful customs customs that preserve the more dignified traditions which, though often conservative, prevent the purely wartime soldier from making too sweeping transitions.

Colonel Burns's house and grounds, two kilometres to the north of Parramatta - in genuine esteem he was sometimes called the Laird of Gowan Brae - were practically thrown open to Parramatta Squadron: their rifle range was in a gully there, and Sydney also went through its annual musketry course on it in 1898.

His term included the South African War and he did much for the indi viduals going and returning, and for the comfort of the service squadron when it was overseas. He was promoted to the command of the 1st Australian Light Horse Brigade, with the rank of colonel, 1/7/1903, and retired 4/1/1907. His son, James Burns, who was also to become the head of Burns Philp and Company Ltd in later years, joined the Parramatta Squadron in 1900 and served in the regiment for three and a half years.

An indomitable, unconquerable Scot, Colonel Burns had many and varied interests, including pastoral, financial and philanthropic, as well, of course, as controlling the business of Burns Philp and Company. He was appointed a Member of the Legislative Council in 1908, was knighted in 1917 and died 22/8/1923.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Liberty Vernon, V.D. 1 Jul 1903 - 30 Sep 1906 go to top of page

Joined Sydney Light Horse, 13/2/1885; corporal six months later; 2nd lieutenant, 18/3/1886; 1st lieutenant, 10/2/1891; captain, 17/7/1893, and in command of Sydney Half-squadron; major and 2nd-in-command, 26/10/1899; lieutenant-colonel, Unattached List, 12/9/1902; in command of the regiment, 1/7/1903; in command of the 2nd Australian Light Horse Brigade, 1/10/1906; colonel, 6/12/1907.

In 1887 he was attached to, and carried out training with, the 5th Royal Irish Lancers during a visit to England. He commanded the regiment's Dia mond Jubilee contingent, 1897, and the N.S.W. Mounted Brigade that attended the opening of the first Federal Parliament in Melbourne, 1901.

Although Colonel Vernon had not enlisted for any war, he succeeded with a cousin in passing through the German lines into Paris in 1871 with a small shipload of provisions, provided at his cousin's own expense, for the starving populace. A truce was made just as they got through, but bloodshed was general and they were distrusted by Parisians and Prussians.

As an architect he took an interest in practical camp layout and equipment new tents for the officers' and sergeants' messes and comfort. He designed the half-squadron hand carts for horse line and forage use, which could be quickly taken apart and folded flat. These, with crossed lances, motto and name of half-squadron painted on the side, were in use for many years and were invaluable for light transport within a camp area. Also, he imported a German cavalry field forge with anvil, bellows, tools and packsaddle. This could be seen in the charge of the farrier-sergeant in attendance on trek or cantering in the rear of a charge and was the means of saving many horses for parade.

He usually made coloured maps of all operations, encouraging others to master this, both before setting out and also when they came in tired from a long ride.

In 1906 he was given command of the 2nd (or Northern N.S.W.) Light Horse Brigade, with Captain (later Brigadier-General) C. H. Brand as brigade major and Major F. C. Timothy of the Sydney Lancers as staff captain. He worked up the three regiments to great enthusiasm and strength, beating his old brigade in the field in two' successive camps at Liverpool, and always placing great reliance on speed and surprise. He was retired in 1910 after 25 years' service.

Articles by him are to be found in the Journal of the United Service Insti tution, which he assisted by lectures for many years.

He was Government Architect from 1890 to 1910 and among the many fine examples of his varied work in Sydney alone are the Registrar-General's Building, the National Art Gallery, the Mitchell Library and the Fisher Library at the University of Sydney. He also did a large amount of consulting work for the Government, was a member of royal commissions and boards, and also a member of the Commission which reported on proposed sites for the Federal Capital. He died, 17/1/1914, at the age of 67.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Frederick Cox, C.B. 1 Oct 1906 - 30 Sep 1911 go to top of page

Joined Parramatta Troop as a trooper, 6/6/1891; 2nd lieutenant, 11/3/1894; 1st lieutenant, 13/5/1896; captain, 11/11/1897; lieutenant-colonel in the British Army in South Africa, 5/6/1901; brevet-major in the N.S.W. Forces, 5/12/1902; major, 1/8/1904; in command, 1/10/1906; lieutenant-colonel, 2/4/1908.

Cox was one of the most distinguished officers who have served in the N.S.W. Lancers, and as Major-General C. F. Cox, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., V.D., held the position of honorary colonel of the regiment from 1929 until 1944.

As lieutenant, he was a member of the detachment that went to England for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee in 1897, being in command until Captain Vernon arrived in England. He commanded the Aldershot Squadron in 1899 and when this squadron was about to leave London on its return to. Sydney, Captain Cox volunteered to go with his men to the front if, when the ship arrived at Capetown, hostilities should have broken out between the British and the Boers. As things turned out the squadron disembarked at the Cape a few days after war had been declared and Cox soon laid the foundations of the reputation he made in South Africa and enhanced in the Great War of being a very spirited cavalry leader. It was in South Africa that he received his well-known sobriquet of "Fighting Charlie".

He was present with the N.S.W. Lancers at the following general engagements: Arundel, Riet River, Modder River, Relief of Kimberley, Dronfield, Paardeberg, Poplar Grove, Driefontein, Bloemfontein, Brandfort, Ventersburg Road, Vanwyksrust, Klipriversberg, Doornkop, Kalkheuvel Poort, Diamond Hills, Olifantsfontein, Langkloof, Swartzkop, Wartburg Hills, Barberton. He also took part in a number of minor engagements.

Following the return of the squadron to Sydney in December 1900, Cox returned to the front in March 1901 in command of the 3rd N.S.W. Mounted Rifles with the rank of major. He won his C.B., a rare decoration for a major, by an inspired decision to lead his men at the gallop around the flank and across the rear of a greatly superior force of Boers who were seriously threatening a British infantry position. His dramatic move unnerved and broke the enemy who fled in disorder. The action was characteristic of the man and was repeated in more than one fight in Palestine.

The 3rd N.S.W. Mounted Rifles joined Colonel Rimington's famous column at Standerton on 2/5/1901 and remained with it until Lord Kitchener's big drive began; then it was detached on 23/1/1902 and Cox was given command of a column of his own to co-operate in the drive. Cox had been promoted in the field to lieutenant-colonel in the British Army on 5/6/1901. At the conclusion of the big Harrismith drive, 27/2/1902, he was sent for by Lord Kitchener and congratulated on his work on the night of 23-24 when the Boers forced a critical situation on the British line. He was awarded the Queen's Medal with six clasps and the King's Medal with two clasps.

After the war he reverted to brevet-major at home. From 1903 he was 2nd-in-command of the Lancers under Colonel Vernon and from 1906 was in command. On 1/10/1911 he was placed on the Unattached List.

In the Great War, after commanding the 6th Light Horse, he succeeded General Chauvel in command of the 1st Light Horse Brigade in December 1915 and held that post until the conclusion of the war.

In Sir Henry Gullett's official history of the A.I.F. in Sinai and Palestine it is written: "He is by intuition a master of cavalry rather than a leader of mounted riflemen. . . . He relied upon his native wit and his commonsense rather than upon the text-books. . . . But if Cox left much to his brigade staff and his regimental officers, he in more than one crisis in Palestine took hold of his force with the grasp of a real leader and turned a critical fight into sudden complete victory. These flashes were apparently so unpremedi tated and so daring that critics feared Cox would one day sustain a bad failure. But both in South Africa and in Palestine his instinct, moving in the thick of battle, was always sound and gave him a sure, strong grip on the confidence and affection of his brigade."

After the Great War he temporarily commanded the 1st Cavalry Division from 1921 to 1923 and was placed on the Retired List, 1/193/1923, with the rank of honorary major-general. From 1919 to 1937 he was a member of the Senate, but failing health caused his retirement. He died, 20 November 1944, at the age of 81.

 Major Robert Chatfield Mackenzie, V.D. 1 Oct 1911 - 31 Aug 1914 go to top of page

Joined Parramatta Troop as a trooper, 6/6/1891; 2nd lieutenant, 21/7/1899; lieutenant, 11/8/1900; captain, 5/12/1901; major, 18/11/1907.

He was a sergeant-major in the Queen's Diamond Jubilee detachment, 1897, and adjutant from 1908 until 1911. He was in command from 1/10/1911 until 31/8/1914, when ill health caused his transfer to the Retired List, but he returned as acting adjutant in 1915 and was re-transferred to the Retired List, 1/5/1919, with the rank of honorary lieutenant-colonel.

As an adjutant he was hard working and meticulous, frequently calling at headquarters in the mornings on his way to the city, and often in attendance in the evenings. One of the staff squadron sergeant-majors of those days, Major-General J. M. A. Durrant, C.M.G., D.S.O., recalls the valuable training in regimental administration that he received under Captain Mackenzie, as adjutant, and W.O. G. E. Morris, as regimental sergeant-major, training that stood him in good stead in 1914 when he found himself adjutant of the 13th Battalion, A.I.F., on its formation.

Major Mackenzie practised as a chartered accountant in Sydney.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant-Colonel James McMahon, V.D. 1 Sep 1914 - 30 Mar 1921 go to top of page

Joined Sydney Troop as a trooper, 9/3/1891; 2nd lieutenant, 11/8/1900; lieutenant, 5/12/1901; major, gnd-in-command, 30/9/1912; temporary lieutenant-colonel, 30/11/1918.

As a sergeant he went to England in the Diamond Jubilee detachment, 1897. Later he became a squadron sergeant-major. He was regimental com mander from 1/9/1914 to 30/3/1921, whereafter he was placed on the Retired List with the rank of honorary lieutenant-colonel.

Colonel McMahon was the head of a well-known firm of master carriers and was also prominent in other fields. He was manager of the Australian Rugby Union Football team ("Wallabies") that toured the British Isles, 1908-09, and at other times was an alderman of Sydney (1930-50), president of the Horse Association of N.S.W., and ringmaster of the Royal Agricultural Society's annual show.

He died on 1/1/1951, at the age of 83.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Venables Vernon, D.S.O., V.D. 31 Mar 1921 - 31 Mar 1926 go to top of page

A son of Colonel W. L. Vernon, V.D., he joined Sydney Squadron as a trooper, September 1897; 2nd lieutenant, 1/7/1903; lieutenant, 15/3/1906; captain, 11/3/1912; to command Sydney Squadron, 1/7/1912; major (A.I.F.), 24/8/1914; lieutenant-colonel, 30/6/1916.

In 1899 he was a member of the squadron sent to Aldershot for training. When the squadron left for home, he remained in England to pursue professional studies for a few months but on the outbreak of war in South Africa left immediately and joined his unit up country. After the drive to Bloem-fontein he and others of the unit were sent to hospital (25/3/00) with enteric fever; he was later classed as unfit and reached Sydney in July, parading the same afternoon with Sydney Squadron. Awarded Queen's Medal and three clasps. While recovering from the effects of enteric, he lived for the next two years in a country district where there was no Lancer detachment, but was retained by Colonel Burns on the Regimental Supernumerary List, and re turned to active duty with a commission, 1/7/03.

On the outbreak of the Great War he volunteered and was appointed 2nd-in-command of the 1st Light Horse Regiment; was given command of the regiment, 8/5/15 for the Gallipoli operation; was slightly wounded; was evacuated from Anzac owing to enteric fever, 29/8/1915, relinquishing com mand of 1st L.H. On 12/1/1916 he was appointed to command the 1st Reserve Regiment of L.H. (approximate strength, 1,095, including 44 officers) and recommended for rank of lieutenant-colonel to fill establishment. The regi ment was disbanded in March 1916, after which he commanded details of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, llth and 12th Regiments. He transferred to command of the 4th Australian Division Ammunition Column, 14/4/16, which he formed and took to France. Was awarded D.S.O. after the Battle of Fromelles, July 1916. In the field until 22/9/1918, when he left for Australia on "Anzac leave". Four times mentioned in despatches.

He was absorbed into the 1st Light Horse Regiment (N.S.W. Lancers), 1919, with the rank of major, and was given command, 31/3/21, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel; was transferred to the Unattached List, 31/3/26, and to the Reserve, 31/3/1931.

In civilian life he was, like his father, an architect. He was State President of the Returned Servicemen's League in 1922, a foundation member of the Legacy Club and sometime president of the South African Soldiers' Associa tion and the N.S.W. Lancers' Association. He died on 3/7/1935.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur James Mills, D.S.O., V.D. 1 Apr 1926 - 20 Jan 1927 go to top of page

Joined as a cadet in 1900 and rose to be commander of the 1st Cavalry Division. Absorbed into Parramatta Squadron, 1/5/1902; 2nd lieutenant, 8/12/1904; lieutenant, 21/1/1908; captain, 28/10/1912; to Unattached List, 1/8/1913; returned to Active List, 1/2/1914; militia adjutant, 1/9/1914 to 28/2/1915; major (A.I.F.), 1/3/1915; lieutenant-colonel, 29/12/1917.

He left Australia with the 5th Reinforcements for the 1st Light Horse early in 1915 and was absorbed into the regiment, 1/1/1916; in command of 1st Double Squadrons, Light Horse, 1/7/1916; Australian Camel Training Regiment, 2/11/1916; Imperial Camel Corps, 7/2/1917; School of Instruction, 26/8/1917. From 29/12/1917 to 26/6/1918 he commanded the 4th Anzac Battalion, Imperial Camel Corps, which took part in operations against Es Salt and Amman east of the Jordan river. When Australians, withdrawn from the Camel Corps at the end of June 1918, were formed into the 15th Light Horse, Mills was given command, and he temporarily commanded the 5th Light Horse Brigade, 5/10/1918 to 5/1/1919. He was awarded the D.S.O. and was twice mentioned in despatches.

Resuming militia training after the war, he commanded the 7th Light Horse Regiment from 31/3/1921 to 31/7/1922. After a period on the Unattached List he had command of the 1st Light Horse Regiment (N.S.W. Lancers) from 31/3/1926, and the 4th Cavalry Brigade from 21/1/1927 with the rank of colonel; from there he went to command of the 1st Cavalry Division, with the rank of brigadier, from 16/1/1932 to 15/1/1936.

In 1936 he was awarded a C.B.E. In the same year he became honorary colonel of the 7th Light Horse Regiment (Australian Horse), which appoint ment lasted until the disbandment of the 7/21st Australian Horse in 1957.

During the Second World War he served as O.C. Permanent Ship's Staff (M.) in H.M.T. Queen Mary which was carrying troops between Australia and Egypt, and as Commander, No. 4 Lines of Communication Sub-Area in New South Wales.

He was President of the United Service Institution of N.S.W., 1934-35. In civil life he is a dentist.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Halfdan Ivanoe Wikner 1 Feb 1927 - 20 Jun 1929 go to top of page

Joined the Scone Troop, Australian Horse, 1/5/1903 (Scone Troop went to 6th A.L.H. Regiment, 1/7/1903, and to the 4th, 12/1/1906); attained rank of sergeant; resigned, 1/7/1906. In 1913 joined 9th L.H. (N.S.W. Mounted Rifles) in Sydney; transferred as sergeant to N.S.W. Lancers, 3/1/1915; lieutenant (Machine Gun Section), 1/6/1915; to 7th L.H. Regiment, A.I.F., 12/10/1915; captain, with command of a squadron, 10/11/1918; major, 1/10/1921; lieutenant-colonel, 1/3/1927.

The following is a reference to him in the Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-18, Vol. VII, in connection with the first Gaza engagement, March 1917: "On the right the advance of the 7th had been equally fine . . . When night fell . . . troops and squadrons, maintaining a rough touch by means of whistles and lamps, pressed on ... The advance through gaps cut with bayonets in the cactus had to be made in single file. Lieutenant H. I. Wikner, a troop leader of the 7th known to his men as 'Uncle Henry', pressing at the head of his troop through one of these holes, found himself alone in a tiny field surrounded by Turks. He levelled his revolver and called on his men, and as they scrambled through with their bayonets already blooded, twenty-three Turks surrendered. 'Uncle Henry gave his war-whoop,' said one of the troopers afterwards, 'and we all sailed in.' "

He was on the staff of the 2nd A.L.H. Brigade as Intelligence officer and assistant to the brigade major, 17/10/1917 to 5/7/1918; then regimental signal officer to 9/9/1918; liaison officer for Chaytor's Force with Advanced Flight, 142nd Squadron, R.A.F., B.E.F., 10/9/1918 to 9/10/1918.

In September 1918, when he was liaison officer for Chaytor's Force with Advanced Flight, 142nd Squadron, RAF. When the raid to Amman in Jordon had temporarily taken the airfield, he captured a series of documents from a Turkish officer. The documents were in pre-1929 Turkish, that used Arabic script. The button below takes you to a treasure trove, the documents with translations into English and modern Turkish.

After returning to Australia he rejoined the Lancers and was given com mand of the Parramatta Squadron, 16/3/20. He had command of the regiment, 1/3/27 to 30/6/29 when the amalgamation with the 21st took place; was then appointed to divisional headquarters, first as Staff Officer "Q" and later as Staff Officer "G", transferred to the Reserve, 12/12/1938, and to the Retired List with the rank of honorary colonel, 31/12/1941. He was awarded the Efficiency Decoration in 1938.

In civil life he was an accountant.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Harold Ireland Johnson 1 Jul 1929 - 30 Sep 1933 go to top of page

Seconded from the Senior Cadets to the 28th (Illawarra) L.H. as temporary lieutenant, 16/12/1914; lieutenant, A.I.F., 13/8/1915; 9th Reinforcements for the 7th L.H. and absorbed into the regiment, 20/1/1916; captain, 23/3/1917; major, 20/5/1918; lieutenant-colonel, 1/11/1926; honorary colonel, 1/9/1937.

After the war he rejoined the 28th, which became the 21st; was regimental commander of the 21st from 1/11/26 and of the l/21st from 1/7/29 to 31/8/33;

commanded the 4th Cavalry Brigade, 1/9/1933 to 31/8/1937 and (temporarily), 4/4/1939 to 8/10/1939. From the Unattached List he again went to command of the brigade in 1940 and was retired as an honorary brigadier, 10/1/1942. He was awarded the Efficiency Decoration in 1935.

Brigadier Johnson was well known as the General Secretary of the National Roads and Motorists' Association (N.S.W.) and as a company director. He died on 20/8/1958.

 Lieutenant-Colonel John Bruce Pye, E.D. 1 Oct 1933 - 30 Sep 1937 and 1 Jun 1940 - 23 Aug 1942 go to top of page

Enlisted in the A.I.F. as a private in the 5th Field Ambulance with which he served on Gallipoli, in Egypt and in France; transferred to the 53rd Battalion, September 1916; after attending No. 4 Officers' Cadet Battalion, Oxford, gazetted 2nd lieutenant, 24/1/1917; posted to the 55th Battalion, A.I.F.; lieutenant, 24/6/1917 to 19/7/1919.

He joined the N.S.W. Lancers, 31/3/1921, becoming a captain, 10/2/1923, and holding an appointment on the divisional staff for four years to 30/9/1928; major, 1/3/1929. It was during his first term as regimental commander, 1/10/1933 to 30/9/1937, that the unit was dehorsed and motorised.

Except during wartime he was able, when others were not, to personally visit the K.D.G. and so help to keep the two regiments in touch to some extent.

After Lieutenant-Colonel Hawke was appointed to the A.I.F. in 1940 Major Pye was brought off the Unattached List to take over the regiment again and was in command from 1/6/1940 to 23/8/1942, being made a temporary lieutenant-colonel in September 1940. His last two years with the regiment were years of change changes in organisation and equipment, a change from part-time to full-time duty, and great changes in personnel. Thanks are due to him for constructive action to preserve regimental and mess property during the years of war when the regiment was away from its home centres action which, unfortunately, was not paralleled in some other units.

He became an honorary lieutenant-colonel, 25/10/1942. While on the Reserve he held the appointment, 1/1/44 to 4/9/44, of honorary extra A.D.C. to the Governor-General, Brigadier-General Lord Gowrie, V.C. who, incidentally, had become colonel of the K..D.G.

A grazier, of Bringelly near Camden, Colonel Pye will be remembered as one who always gave the needs and demands of his regiment the highest possible priority.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant-Colonel David Adie Whitehead, M.C. 1 Oct 1937 - 23 Apr 1940 go to top of page

Graduating from the Royal Military College of Australia, he was appointed lieutenant in the Permanent Military Forces, 4/4/1916, and posted to the A.I.F. By the end of the war he was a captain with an M.C., a Croix de Guerre and a mention in despatches. He had commanded the 23rd Machine Gun Company on the Western Front, after which he had been adjutant of the 3rd Machine Gun Battalion and, later, on the staff of the 3rd Division.

As a Staff Corps officer, he was posted after the war to the 7th L.H. as adjutant and quartermaster, 1/11/1919 to 30/4/1921; brigade major of the 8th Infantry Brigade, 1/5/1921 to 10/1/1922; adjutant and quartermaster of the 16th Battalion, 11/1/1922 to 30/6/1922.

He resigned from the Staff Corps, took up civil engineering in Western Australia and became a militia soldier, serving in the 10th L.H. from 1/9/1922 to 1/8/1924. Then he came to New South Wales where he joined the 21st L.H., and was posted as Assistant Staff Officer, "G" Branch, 1st Cavalry Division, 3/8/1925 to 2/8/1929. On the amalgamation with the 1st he was retained and on 1/10/1937 succeeded to command of the regiment which had by then become the 1st L.H. (Machine Gun) Regiment.

On 1/5/1940 he was posted to the A.I.F. with command of the 2/2nd Machine Gun Battalion which he organised and took to the Middle East. He was transferred to the 2/32nd Battalion, 27/2/1942 (handing over the 2/2nd, incidentally, to another old N.S.W. Lancer, E. Macarthur-Onslow), and from 12/9/1942 until the end of the war he commanded the 26th Infantry Brigade, 9th Division, which he led at Alamein, in its New Guinea operations and in the capture of Tarakan, Borneo. He was awarded a D.S.O. at Alamein while commanding the 2/32nd, and won a bar to it in the final stage of operations at Alamein while commanding the 26th Brigade. Following the capture of Sattelberg and Wareo by his brigade he was awarded a C.B.E. During the war he was twice mentioned in despatches.

In the post-war period, as Brigadier D. A. Whitehead, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., E.D., he became commander of the 2nd Armoured Brigade in Victoria, 1947, A.D.C. (honorary) to the Governor-General in 1949, and commander of the Australian Coronation Contingent in 1953.

He had joined the Shell Company in 1931, and in 1946 he became the company's staff manager for Australia. Retiring from the company in 1956 he was appointed a conciliator with the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Lloyd Hawke 24 Apr 1940 - 31 May 1940 go to top of page

Joined the 12th L.H. as a trooper, 14/5/1920; lieutenant, 28/5/1933; transferred to 21st L.H., 27/7/1926; absorbed into l/21st L.H. on the amalgamation in 1929; became 2nd-in-command under Lieutenant-Colonel Whitehead whom he succeeded as C.O., 24/4/1940, with promotion to the temporary rank of lieutenant-colonel. However, he relinquished the appointment to join the A.I.F. and on 1/6/1940 was posted as a major, 2nd-in-command of the 2/2nd Machine Gun Battalion.

While in the Middle East he was put in charge of the 1st M.G. Training Battalion, 29/9/41 to 10/8/42. He commanded the 5th M.G. Battalion (A.I.F.) at operational stations in the Torres Strait Area, 11/8/1942 to 13/6/1944, with the rank of lieutenant colonel. On disbandment of the battalion he was appointed commandant of the Prisoner of War Group at Hay, N.S.W., and simultaneously C.O. of the 16th Garrison Battalion, 14/6/1944 to 7/2/1945. Thereafter until 1/10/1946 he was A.A. and Q.M.G., Prisoners of War, at Head quarters, N.S.W. Lines of Communication Area. He was awarded the Effi ciency Decoration in 1943 and was placed on the Retired List with the honorary rank of colonel, 8/2/1952.

Colonel Hawke in civilian life was before the war a sales representative for an oil company. After the war he was the manager of Lawley House, a government hostel in Canberra.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Robert James Moody Gordon, E.D. 24 Aug 1942 - 4 Mar 1943 go to top of page

A Victorian, his early soldiering was in the infantry. First commissioned 1/3/1922, he had been commanding the 32nd Battalion when war broke out in 1939. From 31/10/1941 he was commanding the 2nd Armoured Training Regiment, from 11/12/1941 the 2/8th Armoured Regiment, from 23/4/1942 the 20th Motor Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles), and from 23/8/1942 until 4/3/1943 the 1st Army Tank Battalion (Royal New South Wales Lancers). His subsequent service included command of the 101st Motor Regiment (AIF). In 1952 he was placed on the Retired List with the honorary rank of colonel.

In civil life he had been the Registrar of the University of Melbourne, but after the Second World War he transferred his domicile to Sydney.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Derick David Glasgow 5 Mar 1943 - 8 Oct 1945 go to top of page

Joined the 2/14th L.H. in Queensland in 1932; commissioned in the 5th L.H., 13/3/1939; seconded to A.I.F., 13/10/1939; served with the 6th Division Cavalry Regiment in operations in the Middle East and in the Northern Ter ritory of Australia, becoming a major, 30/7/1942; was transferred to the 2/5th Armoured Regiment, 1/12/1942.

Three months later he was promoted to lieutenant-colonel to command the Royal New South Wales Lancers, which appointment he held from 5/3/1943 to 8/10/1945. His term as commanding officer covered the period of the regiment's final preparations for overseas service and its participation in operations in New Guinea and Borneo.

His brothers, D. (Captain) and G. (Lieutenant-Colonel) were also original members of the 6th Division Cavalry Regiment. They are nephews of the late Major-General the Hon. Sir Thomas William Glasgow, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., V.D., who had temporarily commanded the 1st L.H. on Gallipoli in 1915 (Chapter 7).

After the war Lieutenant-Colonel Glasgow took up residence in Sydney, joined the staff of the Australian Jockey Club, and became its secretary in 1960.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Esmond John Selby 1 Apr 1948 - 30 Jun 1949 go to top of page

Trained in the Sydney University Regiment from 1929 to 1933, and in 1939 joined the 2nd Armoured Car Regiment (later 2nd Tank Battalion (A.I.F.)) in Sydney; commissioned, 9/7/1940; major, 1/9/1942. On the disbanding of the unit he was posted to the 9th Infantry Battalion (A.I.F.), 11/10/1944, and was appointed 2nd-in-command, serving with the battalion in operations against the Japanese on Bougainville Island.

When training was reintroduced after the war he was selected to command the Royal N.S.W. Lancers, which appointment he held, as a temporary lieutenant-colonel, from 1/4/1948 until 29/6/1949. ;

He was chairman of directors of a well-known company supplying scientific equipment and chemicals.

He has since passed away. :

 Lieutenant-Colonel Fred James Mulally, E.D. 1 Jul 1949 - 31 Dec 1950 go to top of page

Served in the Australian Tank Corps from 1928, being commissioned, 8/9/1938. On 13/10/1939 he was seconded to the A.I.F., and served in the Middle East and Northern Territory of Australia with the 6th Division Cavalry Regiment, in which he attained the rank of major. He was transferred to the 2/10th Armoured Regiment in 1942 and on 15/12/1943 to command of the 1st Armoured Brigade Group Reconnaissance Squadron which later, as the 2/1st Armoured Brigade Reconnaissance Squadron, became a special tank unit in the 4th Armoured Brigade. He took the unit to Morotai in 1945 for Operation Oboe Two and was in the initial landing at Balikpapan on July 1. In 1946 he was placed on the Reserve.

Two years later, when the Royal N.S.W. Lancers were being reformed, he joined as 2nd-in-command, and administered command from 12/8/48 to 30/6/49. He was in command from 1/7/49 to 31/12/50, first as a temporary, later as a provisional, lieutenant-colonel.

In civil life he was an engineering sales manager.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Venables Vernon, E.D., p.s.c. 1 Jan 1951 - 21 Feb 1952 go to top of page

A son of H. V. Vernon, he was taken on the strength of the regiment, at Parramatta, 18/7/1927; lieutenant, 26/8/31; resigned, 12/1/1933; lieutenant, 4/9/1935; temporary captain, 28/12/1939; captain, A.I.F., 1/2/1941; major, 23/12/1942.

On 6/6/1940 he was detached to Eastern Command Training Depot on full-time duty. After being seconded to the A.I.F. he became a squadron leader successively in the 2/11th Armoured Car Regiment and the 2/5th Armoured Regiment, which, being in the 1st Armoured Division, were held in Australia due to the threat of invasion by the Japanese. Interspersed with regimental duty were periods of staff service: G.S.0.3 (Operations), 1st Armoured Division; Acting G.S.0.3 (Operations), 3rd Australian Corps; D.A.A.G., Land Headquarters. On 27/7/1945 he was transferred to the 2/4th Armoured Regi ment; by the time he reached the unit in Bougainville hostilities were over and he was sent to New Britain with a detached squadron on garrison and security duties, being transferred to the Reserve, 8/2/1946. Rejoining the Lancers in 1948, he was in command from 1/1/1951 to 21/2/1952 as a provisional lieutenant-colonel.

In civil life he was an accountant, and he is Honorary Secretary/Treasurer of the Museum Appeal Committee. Awarded O.B.E. in 1968.

Colonel Vernion passed away in May 1999.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Lutley Rhys-Jones 22 Feb 1952 - 21 Feb 1955 go to top of page

He was first commissioned in May 1933 in the British Regular Army, being appointed Ordnance Mechanical Engineer (R.A.O.C.). By January 1943 he had risen to temporary lieutenant-colonel and in November 1948 he was retired with the honorary rank of lieutenant-colonel.

During the last ten years of his service in the British Army he filled a variety of appointments: 1939-41, instructor at the Military College of Science; 1941-42, staff captain and workshop commander in Anti-Aircraft Command; June 1942 to August 1943, attached to the Australian Army and holding the appointments of DA.D.M.E. and A.D.M.E. at Headquarters, South-West Pacific Area; from November 1943, officer commanding the 1st Assault Brigade Workshop, R.E.M.E.; from March 1944, 2nd-in-command of R.E.M.E., 79th Armoured Division; August 1944 to July 1945, G.S.0.1 (Technical), 79th Armoured Division; July to' November 1945, Chief Instructor, Tank Training Team (Australia); during the remaining three years of the ten he was suc cessively Chief Instructor, I.E.M.E. School (India), student at the Staff Col lege, Quetta, and A.D.M.E. at the War Office, London.

Having come to Australia to live he was placed on the local Reserve of Officers, from which he was appointed to command the 1st Royal New South Wales Lancers for three years commencing from 22/2/1952. In civil life he was a production manager.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Reginald Waldo Van Nooten 22 Feb 1955 - 22 Feb 1958 go to top of page

Enlisted in the A.I.F. in December 1939, in Victoria, and served in the Middle East with the 6th Division Cavalry Regiment, being commissioned, 7/2/41. He was then seconded to 2nd Echelon, A.I.F. Base Area. From 18/12/41 to 31/8/42 he was adjutant of the Armoured Training Reinforcement Depot and after its return to Australia he was transferred to the 15th Motor Regiment (A.I.F.) in which he became a captain, 12/10/1942. On the formation of the 4th Armoured Brigade he was appointed staff captain, 9/2/43. During the Sattelberg operation in November 1943 he accompanied "C" Squadron, 1st Tank Battalion, as a liaison officer for the 4th Armoured Brigade. Having contracted disease in New Guinea he was boarded out of the army as medically unfit, 26/8/1944. When fit, he returned to the Active List, 20/4/1945, being placed on the regimental list of the 1st Armoured Regiment (Royal N.S.W. Lancers) and on 15/5/45 was appointed staff captain on the head quarters of the 4th Armoured Brigade again, and D.A.A. and Q.M.G, 2/7/1945, until transferred to the Reserve, 18/4/1946.

Joining the Lancers in 1948 when peacetime training was reintroduced, he became 2nd-in-command, 1951, and commanding officer from 22/2/1955 to 22/2/1958. Transferred then to the Reserve of Officers, he continued to devote much time to military matters as a member of the Eastern Command Staff Group.

In civil life he was managing director of a wholesale steel company. Taking an active interest in local affairs, he was elected an alderman of the City of Parramatta in 1959 and later served as Mayor.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon Glasgow, E.D. 23 Feb 1958 - 31 Dec 1961 go to top of page

A brother of D. D. Glasgow, he joined the llth L.H. Regiment Signal Troop at Brisbane, Queensland, in 1936; sergeant, 1938; lieutenant (A.I.F.), 23/9/1941; captain, 13/1/1943; major, 13/1/1956; lieutenant-colonel, 23/2/1958.

Before the outbreak of war in 1939 he had been recommended for a commission, but relinquished his N.C.O. status and enlisted as a trooper on 3/11/1939 in the 6th Division Cavalry Regiment in which he served in the Middle East. As a sergeant he was a troop leader and was mentioned in despatches for his part in an action at Damour, in Syria, 8/7/1941. Commissioned, he was appointed A.D.C. to Major-General Herring, commanding 6th Australian Division at that time and Northern Territory Force from 1/5/1942.

The appointment as A.D.C. ending on 24/10/1942, Glasgow was transferred to the 2nd/5th Armoured Regiment and was detached to be 2nd-in-command of the 1st Armoured Divisional Headquarters Squadron which later became the 2nd/lst Armoured Brigade Reconnaissance Squadron. He was present with the unit in Operation Oboe Two at Balikpapan and administered command of it from about the end of operations until its disbanding had been finalised in Sydney in 1946. He was transferred to the Reserve of Officers, 15/11/1946.

On 23/9/49 he joined "A" Squadron, 2/14th Queensland Mounted Infantry, transferred to the 1st Royal New South Wales Lancers, 24/11/49, and was appointed commanding officer, 23/2/58.

In civil life he was an executive officer in the edible oils industry. From 1963 until 1985 he was Chairman of the Museum Appeal Committee.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant Colonel Richard Gibson Nicholson, E.D. 1 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1965 go to top of page

Joining 1st Divisional Signals in 1938 he rose to sergeant and in 1940 enlisted in the A.I.F. as an infantry private. Commissioned in December 1941, he was posted to 2/8th Independent Company (2/8th Commando Squadron) in which he served in Darwin, New Guinea and Bougainville until 1946.

In March 1952 he enlisted in the Regiment with rank of lieutenant; captain, 13/2/1954; major, 26/1/1956; lieutenant colonel, 1/1/1962. He was seconded in 1957 and served in Kashmir in the United Nations Military Observer Group as a military observer on the Cease Fire Line between India and Pakistan and as G.S.O. 2 on the headquarters of the group. He was 2nd-in-command of the I/15th from 1958 and, after commanding the Regiment from 1/1/62 to 31/12/65, he was placed on the Eastern Command General List and served as an Instructor in the Command Training Group, attaining command of the Command and Staff Training Unit and being promoted to the rank of colonel, 21/4/1969. In 1972 he became Deputy Commander, Command Training Group, and was trans ferred to the Unallotted List, 2nd Military District, 1/12/1973; retired, 19/11/1975.

From 12/12/1965 until 11/12/1968 he was A.D.C. (Honorary) to the Governor General. He has played a leading part as Trustee and Committee-man in the affairs of the Museum since the opening of the Building Fund Appeal in 1963. In civil life he was Secretary and later Marketing Manager of a steel merchant.

He has since passed away.

 Lieutenant Colonel John Braddon Arnott, E.D. 1 Jan 1966 - 30 Jun 1969 go to top of page

Joined the Regiment as a trooper, 24/10/1952; lieutenant, 20/4/1955; captain, 23/4/1958; major 3/11/1961; lieutenant colonel, 1/1/1966.

While a sergeant he was selected one year to represent his squadron in the shot put event in the regimental sports; starting with an outsider's chance, he defeated the favourite. He continued to win this event for a few years and eventually retired undefeated.

In 1963 he won the Blamey Award. From 29/5/1958 to 1/8/1965 he was Honorary (Military) A.D.C. to the Governor of New South Wales. He commanded the Regiment from 1/1/1966 to 30/6/1969. He was attached to Armour on active service during a Full-time Duty Visit to Vietnam from 29/9/1967 to 10/10/1967.

Following his command of the Regiment he served on the Staff, being promoted to colonel, 30/6/1973, on which date appointed Commander, Command and Staff Training Unit, and on 1/5/1976 Commander, Command and Staff Training Unit, and on 1/5/1976 Commander, Officers Training Wing. On 1/6/1976 he joined 2nd Division Field Force Group as Chief of Staff and, from 1/9/1976, as Colonel (Armour) until 31/8/1979 when he was transferred to the Unallotted List. On 20 April 1982 he was awarded the Reserve Forces Decoration (RFD). Placed on Reserve, CMF, 31/10/1982.

In civil life he was a company executive. In his retirement, Colonel Arnott was a great supporter of the Regimental association and Museum.

Colonel Arnott passed away on 15 December 2022, aged 94. The month before he had been active enough to be part of the 2022 Regimental Reunion.

 Lieutenant Colonel Neil Gordon Macarthur-Onslow, E.D. 1 Jul 1969 - 30 Jun 1972 go to top of page

A son of Major General Sir Denzil Macarthur-Onslow, he enlisted in the regiment as a trooper, 6/11/1948, and rose rapidly in non-commissioned rank; lieutenant, 6/4/1951; captain, 26/11/1954; major, 1/9/1959; lieutenant colonel, 1/7/1969.

On 15/5/1955 he transferred from the Regiment to 1st Commando Company, and when that unit became 1st Infantry Battalion (Commando) he was appointed 2nd-in-command. Then, on 10/4/1962 he was seconded to Headquarters, 1st Division, moving later to 2nd Division until re-posted to the 1st/15th, 1/1/1969, being supernumerary until receiving command, 1/7/1969. He had achieved the distinction of winning the Blamey Award for 1961, the presentation parade being at Victoria Barracks in April 1962. In November 1969 he was attached for two weeks to "B" Squadron, 1st>/sup> Armoured Regiment, on active service in Vietnam. After his term as C.O., 1st/15th, he was transferred to the Reserve of Officers.

In civil life he was a company director.

Colonel Macarthur-Onslow passed away in August 2006.

 Lieutenant Colonel Warren Edward Glenny, E.D. 1 Jul 1972 - 30 Jun 1975 go to top of page

His first involvement with the Regiment was in the 1st R.N.S.W.L. Cadets, from 1950 to 1953. His National Service training was from August to November 1953, and he then passed into the ranks of the Regiment; lieutenant, 14/12/1955; captain, 27/8/1959; major, 17/9/1963; lieutenant colonel, 1/7/1972.

After commanding from 1/7/1972 to 30/6/1975, he was posted to 2nd Training Group located at Ingleburn, and became Chief Instructor TAC 5. On 1/9/1979 he was appointed Colonel (Armour), Headquarters 2nd Division Field Force Group; then, in July 1981, he became Colonel (Projects) , H.Q. Training Command, until promoted to Brigadier with command of 5th Brigade on 1/1/1984. Also, as from 1/4/1984 he was appointed Honorary ADC to the Governor General for a period of three years.

During Jan 68 was in SVN for operational experience.

At the end of his command of the brigade, he moved to Melbourne, promoted Major General and given command of the 3rd Division after a year the Division was amalgamated with the 2nd Division, and General Glenny became its commander, then Commander 2nd Division until Nov 1994 . When he was awarded the AO and retired from the Army, he was appointed Honorary Colonel of the Regiment, succeding Sir Laurence Street. General Glenny relinquished the Honorary Colonelship in 2012, handing over to Colonel Long.

In civil life he was a company executive in a retail chain. From early in his adult life General Glenny has been very active in community affairs, such as voluntary ambulance and fire brigade, politics and especially the Parramatta Foundation Week on the committee of which he served from 1964 to 1981. Later he was Commissioner of the St John Ambulance in NSW. And president of the Castle Hill RSL club and Sub-Branch.

From 2013 'till 2016 General Glenny served as the chair of the Battle for Australia organisation.

His service as Patron of the Lancers' Museum where he was a generous supporter from 2015 was greatly appreciated.

General Glenny passed away on the morning of Wednesday 5 July 2023, a life of service to the nation and community ended. He was survived by his wife Gaye, son Andrew and family.

 Lieutenant Colonel Clarence Gregory Smith, E.D. 1 Jul 1975 - 30 Jun 1978 go to top of page

After full-time National Service training in 1957 he served in 12th/16th H.R.L. for ten months; he was then transferred to the R.A.A.O.C. On completing his National Service obligation on 4/4/1960 he joined the 1st/15th in which he was commissioned on 8/2/1963; captain, 8/2/1966; major, 2/4/1971; 2nd-in-command, 1/7/1972. In October 1967 he had a two weeks attachment to an APC. squadron on active service in Vietnam.

On 1/7/1975 he succeeded to command of the Regiment, with promotion to lieutenant colonel on 1/7/1975. After completing his term of command he was posted on 2/9/1978 as Chief Instructor, Other Ranks Wing, 2nd Training Group, and became SO1 (Training), Reserve Command and Staff College, 2nd Training Group, 1/1/1982. On 17/6/1983 he was transferred to 2nd Division as SO1 (Operations and Plans). He was awarded the R.F.D. in 1984.

In civil life he was for many years a school teacher. More recently he has worked for the RSL. he played hockey for most of his adult life. He passed away on 29 June 2010 as the result of a heart attack during a game of veterans' hockey.

 Lieutenant Colonel John Angus McPhee, E.D. 1 Jul 1978 - 28 May 1982 go to top of page

After National Service training in 1958 he served in the R.A.E., rising in rank until commissioned, 16/7/1965. He was promoted to captain, 5/11/1970, and on 22/2/1971 transferred to the 1st/15th, in which his postings included Training Officer, Squadron Technical Officer, Squadron 2nd-in-command, O.C. "B" Squadron and Regimental 2nd-in-command. His promotion to major was on 13/11/73 and, on receiving command of the Regiment on 1/9/78, he became lieutenant colonel.

While under his command the Regiment was involved in "Exercise Dusty Waler", the most extensive exercise in reconnaissance for the Reserve for many years.

His term as C.O. ended on 28/5/1982, whereafter he was reposted 'to the Reserve Command and Staff College, in which he is now Senior Instructor (Military Operations) . He was awarded the R.F.D. in 1984.

As C.O. of the Regiment he had set in train the planning for the Centenary and, after being reposted in 1982, he continued to render valued service on the Regimental Centenary Committee, and as a Museum volunteer.

In civil life he worked for inner city councils as an administrator, later lecturing in local government administration at TAFE.

 Lieutenant Colonel Robert William Iverach, R.F.D., E.D. 29 May 1982 - 9 April 1985 go to top of page

After National Service training he served in the ranks in 3rd Infantry Battalion and later in the R.A.A.S.C. in which he was commissioned, 15/11/1956.

In civil life he was a bank officer and changes in his place of residence led to changes in C.M.F. postings - to 4th Inf Bn in 1957, 3rd Inf Bn in 1959, Command and Staff Group in 1960, 3rd R.N.S.W.R. in 1963. He was promoted to captain, 8/2/1966, and transferred to 4th/19th P.W.L.H. in May 1966; major, 11/1/1972.

On 1/7/1975 he became 2nd-in-command of the 1st/15th and on 1/5/1978 was moved to a staff appointment. Reserve Staff College, with promotion to lieutenant colonel; returned to 1st/15th as C.O. from 29/5/1982 to 9/4/1985. Colonel Iverac retired from the Army on 10/4/1985, his 50th birthday.

Lieutenant Colonel Iverach was very keen on fostering links with former members of the Regiment, and members of the regimental association will remember him as most understanding and co-operative. He was, of course, responsible for much of the planning and organisation of the special events in the Regiment's centenary year.

He became Chairman of the Museum Committee of Management on retirement of Lieutenant Colonel G. Glasgow from that position in 1985. Colonel Iverach continued in this position until the late 1990s, and was a stalwart supporter of the Museum, in spite of illness, he was working as a volunteer within weeks of his untimely passing on 15 August 2008.

In the years before his passing he interviewed commanding officers, creating an oral history that will be the core of the next edition of the Regimental History.

 Lieutenant Colonel Gregory John McIntyre, R.F.D. 10 April 1985 - 31 December 1988 go to top of page

Enlisted in the University of New South Wales Regiment in February 1964; commissioned, 16/12/1966; Captain, 30/1/1970. He transferred to 2 RNSWR, and later to 12th/16th HRL in which he gained his majority, 12/7/1975. In October 1978 he transferred to 1st/15th RNSWL and was appointed O.C. Operational Support Squadron. From March to October 1979 he was a student at TAC 5 and, from 1/11/1979 to 31/12/1980, O.C. "B" Squadron, 1st/15th. After that he was reposted to staff and instructional appointments for over four years, with promotion to lieutenant colonel on 15/3/1984.

By the time he returned to 1st/15th to take command on 10/4/1985 he had gained a varied experience through the diversity of courses and exercises attended as student and as instructor. Key staff appointments held included R.A.A.C. Corps Personnel Manager and TAC 5 instructor.

He held three Masters level degrees and was a Senior Clinical Psychologist and ultimately a lecturer, then manager in TAFE. His community service involvement includes acting as a consultant to Citizen Advocacy N.S.W., and to the N.S.W. Council for Intellectual Disability. On 26 January 2008 he became a Member of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to people with disabilities, and to public education through the Technical and Further Education sector.

Colonel McIntyre passed away on 12 October 2012 after a long illness.

 Lieutenant Colonel Lee Trevor Long RFD 1 January 1988 - 31 December 1990 go to top of page

Joined 1/15 RNSWL as a trooper in August 1963. He was trained as a Centurion tank gunner before qualifying for promotion to Corporal, on promotion he was posted as a crew commander and troop Corporal. He continued to rise through the ranks to Sergeant and was posted as a SHQ troop Sergeant. He subsequently applied for a commission and having passed selection and the formal examinations was appointed a second lieutenant on 5 Nov 1971. He was the last of the Regimental officers to be commissioned under this scheme as OCTU became the principal commissioning option.

At the time he was commissioned the Regiment was undergoing an organisational change to an RAAC regiment, which was intended to have one squadron of APCs, one of tanks and one of Cavalry. Unfortunately the CMF regiments were not issued tanks but were required to perform both the APC and cavalry roles. During his early officer career he performed as a troop leader in both disciplines. During the regimental phase of his career he filled a number of staff (RTA/RSO) postings and was 2IC of a cavalry squadron. After posting to 2 Training group he returned to the Regiment as OC A Squadron and commanded a full squadron during the Dusty Whaler series of exercises in Bourke, NSW.

At this stage of his career he undertook a number of external staff postings to HQ2 Div and HQ Col Armd Field Force Comd. During this phase he completed the Tac 5 course for promotion to LTCOL, passing with distinction. He was then posted to 2 Training Group as senior instructor Intermediate Wing and promoted to LTCOL 16 Dec 1986.

In 1988 he returned to the Regiment as CO thus completing a full circle. Given that the Regiment has such a high profile in Parramatta the demand for participation by the CO in community affairs is always high and as this was the Bicentennial year that demand was more intense. Ceremonial activities including commanding the tri service parade in which all the three service units that had been accorded the Freedom of the City of Parramatta exercised their rights. His first year in command saw the Regiment returning to its old stamping grounds of Puckapunyal for the first time since it surrendered its Centurions, this time in C130 aircraft rather then by troop train.

During his final year as CO he reorganised the two sabre squadrons into separate training and operational squadrons by relocating those members who required training during the year into the training squadron and concentrating trained individuals into a squadron whose focus was on improving operational skills. Also that year the Regiment exercised its Freedom of the City of Sydney.

Following his command he completed a number of staff and instructional postings in 2 Training Group, HQ 2 Div and HQ LHQ before being promoted to Colonel on 15 Dec 1995 and being posted to the Army Command Staff College in Queenscliff, Victoria, initially as Director Officer Development and then as Deputy Commandant. These roles were invaluable and provided the opportunity to influence the post commissioning officer training of full and part time officers. In 1999 he was posted as Director Army Personal Agency - Sydney responsible for managing and promoting the 3700 officers (up to the rank of major) and NCOs in NSW.

Colonel Long retired on 2 August 2000 on reaching the then mandatory retirement age of 55.

In 2012, Colonel Long succeeded General Glenny as the Honorary Colonel of the Regiment. On 1 January 2019 Colonel Long stood down from the position of Honorary Colonel, handing over to Brigadier Phillip Bridie AM ADC.

In civilian life Colonel Long was an executive of Qantas Airways and a Director of the Biometrics Institute (a non profit organisation).

Colonel Long passed away on 12 February 2025 after a long and debilitating illness.

 Lieutenant Colonel Geoff Bell 1 January 1991 - 31 December 1992 go to top of page

Colonel Geoff Bell graduated from RMC Duntroon in December 1974 and was allocated to the Royal Australian Armoured Corps. Following young officers' training at Puckapunyal, the then Lieutenant Bell was posted to Brisbane where he served as both an armoured personnel carrier troop leader and a reconnaissance troop leader in 4th Cavalry Regiment. During this time, Lieutenant Bell took his reconnaissance troop on exchange exercises with the American Army in Hawaii and Texas.

In December 1977 he was posted to 1st Armoured Regiment where despite having been promoted to Captain, his CO required him to spend several months learning the art of commanding a tank troop before taking up his posting as Regimental Liaison Officer, thus arguably making his experience unique in the Corps in that he served as a troop leader in all three main Corps roles. Captain Bell spent the second year of his posting at 1st Armoured Regiment as 2IC A Squadron before moving to Perth in December 1978 to take up the position of Training Officer, A Squadron 10th Light Horse Regiment, where he spent a very enjoyable and professionally valuable 2½ years.

In May 1981, Captain Bell was posted as a military observer with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation, serving firstly out of Damascus as an observer of military activity on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, and then as Military Assistant to the Chief of UNTSO, based in Jerusalem. In this latter role, Captain Bell accompanied the Chief as he went around various Middle Eastern capitals as part of UN diplomatic efforts to reduce tensions in the region. This exposed Captain Bell to international politics, diplomacy and strategy, which were experiences that were to come in handy later in his Army career.

On return to Australia, Geoff was promoted to Major and posted as Officer Commanding HQ Squadron, 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment based in Brisbane, a role in which he served for 12 months before being appointed for a further year as Officer Commanding, A Squadron, the Regiment's reconnaissance squadron.

Major Bell began the staff officer part of career in December 1984 when he was appointed as Staff Officer Grade 2 in the Army Office Secretariat, providing secretariat support to the Chief of the General Staff's Advisory Committee and other senior Army committees. It was during this posting that Major Bell was selected to attend the British Army Staff College at Camberley in 1988.

After returning to Australia in January 1989, Geoff was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and posted to the role of Staff Officer Grade 1 Capability Development at Army Office where he served for 12 months before being selected to attend a Masters course at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre of the Australian National University during 1990.

Lieutenant Colonel Bell took up his appointment as Commanding Officer 1st/15th Royal NSW Lancers in January 1991, serving until December 1992. During his time at the Regiment, Geoff was proud to have overseen significant growth in fully trained and qualified Regimental strength, and to have taken the Regiment out of its normal training areas with annual camps at Puckapunyal and Shoalwater Bay.

In the years that followed his posting to Parramatta, Geoff attended Joint Services Staff College and then served in a variety of staff appointments at Army Office and Headquarters ADF, including SO1 Force Structure-Army and Deputy Director Defence Facilities Policy, and after promotion to Colonel in May 1996, as Director Defence Force Structure, Director Defence Force Plans and Programs, and Director of Reserves-Army. Geoff's final appointment before retiring in December 1998 was as Colonel Development at Land Headquarters in Sydney.

 Lieutenant Colonel Francis Domenic Logue Holles RFD 1 January 1993 - 31 December 1995 go to top of page

Frank Holles was the son of Trooper Reg Hole (later Holles) who on 10 July 1945 while acting as intelligence orderly, distinguished himself when, under heavy fire, he moved to the rear of a tank and gave orders through the telephone directing fire on to an area occupied by the enemy and from which was coming fire which was pinning the infantry down. This resulted in silencing the enemy fire. Trooper Hole was awarded a mention in despatches for this action.

Frank joined the Sydney University Regiment in Armidale while at New England University. He was posted to 12/16 Hunter River Lancers where he served as a troop commander then after promotion to Captain, as squadron 2IC. 1980 saw Frank move to Sydney, he was posted to the Colonel Armour's headquarters as SO3 Armour, 2 Div. In 1985 and 1986 he served as OC B Squadron 1/15 Royal New South Wales Lancers. Back at the Colonel Armour's headquarters, he worked on the RAAC TEWT at Puckapunyal under the command of Colonels John Colvin and Tom Arrowsmith.

Frank's period in command marked by the Regiment providing a squadron to take part in Exercise Silver City north of Broken Hill. The squadron impressed its Regular Army hosts.

At the conclusion of his time in command Frank transferred to the Legal Corps reaching the rank of Colonel. He was involved in a number of high profile cases.

In civil life Frank was a legal professional. Accepted to the NSW Bar 1990, he worked as a barrister and later as part of the judiciary.

Frank's son Domenic also served in the Regiment, three generations of Regimental service.

 Lieutenant Colonel (AES) Scott Terrey RFD 1 January 1996 - 31 December 1997 go to top of page

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Edward Scott Terrey, known to all as Scott enlisted in the Australian Army Reserve in 1971 as a private soldier, Army number 2147560. He served in the Royal Australian Infantry corps until 1973, in that time being promoted to the rank of Corporal. In 1973 he was selected to be commissioned, posting to the Officer Cadet Training Unit as an officer cadet.

In February 1974, he graduated from the Officer Cadet Training Unit. He was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Royal Australian Armoured Corps and was posted to A SQN, 1/15 Royal New South Wales Lancers as a liaison officer noted for turning up for parade in a Lotus Europa. In February 1975 he took command of 1 Troop A SQN as troop leader. In August of the same year, he was promoted to Lieutenant and took command of the Regimental Training group, where he remained until August 1976.

In 1976, he travelled to the United Kingdom, where he transferred to the British Army. He attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, graduating in 1977 into the Royal Armoured Corps and posting as a troop leader to the 1st Queens Dragoon Guards.

Scott Terrey served with the British Army for the next four years in various regimental appointments. He served overseas in Germany, Cyprus and Northern Ireland, and was attached to the 1st Battalion, The Royal Anglian Regiment, as well as 40 Commando, Royal Marines.

He returned to Australia in 1985, when he was promoted to the rank of Captain. He passed the Commando Officer selection course and posted to 1 Company, 1st Commando Regiment, where he served as a platoon commander and in a variety of regimental capacities on both full time and part time service. In 1990, he was promoted to the rank of Major and was posted as the second in command of the 1st Commando Regiment.

In July of 1993, he was posted back to 1/15 RNSWL as the Regimental Second in command. He posted to the second training group in January 1994, before posting back to 1/15 RNSWL in August of 1994, again as the regimental second in command, where he remained until January 1996, when he was promoted to Lieutenant colonel and took command of the Regiment. LTCOL Terrey served as the commanding officer until December 1997, when he was posted to headquarters special operations until September 2001. Scott Terrey then took on the role of projects officer at Army Headquarters, where he served until August 2002, when he retired from the Australian Army Reserve at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

In civil life he was employed by the Commonwealth Attorney General's Office and later worked as an independent security consultant.

Scott Terrey passed away quite suddenly on 21 October 2023; he was suffering from a heart cindition. He was 71 years old.

 Lieutenant Colonel Phillip Bridie 1 January 1998 - 31 December 2000 go to top of page

Phillip Bridie was born on 1958 in Sydney. He completed his secondary education at Camberwell Grammar School in Melbourne and entered the Royal Military College, Duntroon on scholarship in 1977, completing a Science degree. He graduated in 1981 into the Royal Australian Armoured Corps.

Phillip served as a troop leader in both the 2nd Cavalry Regiment and 1st Armoured Regiment before being promoted to Captain. He was a Tank Squadron Second-in-Command, Regimental Technical Adjutant and Regimental Liaison Officer at 1st Armoured Regiment before transferring to the Army Reserve in 1987 whereupon he remained at the Regiment as a Squadron Second-in-Command.

On promotion to Major in 1990, Phillip served as an Officer Commanding in 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse. This was followed by time at 3rd Reserve Command and Staff College both as a student on the Intermediate Staff Course, for which he was awarded a Blamey Award, and as a tactics instructor on Junior and Intermediate Staff Courses. He then was posted to Headquarters 4th Brigade. On relocating to Sydney for work in early 1996 he was posted to Headquarters 5th Brigade.

On promotion to Lieutenant-Colonel in 1998, Phillip had the honour of Commanding 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers for three years. Then two years at Land Headquarters as the Projects Staff Officer in Training Branch, followed by one year at Army Personnel Agency - Sydney (APA-S) as Staff Officer Grade One Officer Career Management.

In 2004, Phillip was promoted to Colonel and served as Colonel Projects Land Headquarters before taking up the posting of Director APA-S in 2005. APA-S was responsible for the management of Reservists up to the rank of major in NSW and the ACT. In 2006 he participated in the Senior Officer Development Program travelling to England and Israel to study complex military operations.

In 2007 Phillip was promoted to Brigadier and posted to Headquarters Training Command Army as Brigadier Projects for two years again conducting various projects and inquiries. Thereupon followed the personally rewarding posting from 2009 to 2011 as Commander 8th Brigade. The Brigade consists of seven Army Reserve units and operates in the northern half of NSW from Northern and North Western Sydney to the NSW Queensland Border. Whilst there where many highlights, he is most proud of the operational focus of the Brigade which culminated in the operational generation of Timor Leste Task Group 3. For his service as Commander 8th Brigade, Phillip was made a Member of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day 2012 Honours List. In 2012 Phillip was posted to Headquarters 2nd Division as the Assistant Commander Capability with overall responsibility for the training, workforce planning and capability plans modernisation portfolios including implementation of Plan BEERSHEBA. In 2013 he was then posted to Army Headquarters as Director General Reserve Army.

In 2014 Phillip was deployed on operations with the US 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) as the Deputy Commanding General - Coalition Effects & Transition of Combined Joint Task Force - 10 in Regional Command - East, International Security Assistance Force - Afghanistan. Responsibilities included General Officer oversight of sustainment across the spectrum of operations, retrograde operations, and across a wide area of enabling responsibilities including logistics, engineer operations, force protection, communications, enabling Bagram Security Zone operations, and Afghan National Security Force (ANSF) development efforts. In the video of a presentation to the RUSI of NSW on 18 December 2015 below, Phillip tells the story of his time in Afghanistan.

In civil life, Phillip is employed full time as a Site Manager with Fujitsu Australia Limited. In this role he is based at Garden Island and works within the Royal Australian Navy's Fleet Information System Support Organisation (part of the Chief Information Officer's Group) site managing Fujitsu's support to Navy's communication systems, including provision of communications fits for Fleet Units deploying on Operations. Phillip has been employed with Fujitsu since April 2008, however worked with them since 2006 via APP Corporation. He was employed with APP from 2004 to 2008 as a project manager, managing projects such as C130 Hercules defensive systems projects for the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Capability Development Group (CDG) and Defence Material Organisation (DMO). Prior to this he was with Chubb for ten years, with the last six years as the Asia Pacific Acquisitions Manager.

On the home front, Phillip home in 2014 is in Castle Hill with his wife, Deidre (Dee), their three boys, Jeremy (23), Benjamin (21) and Samuel (19) and his brother in law, Bruce, who is in a wheel chair. Dee is a teacher / librarian at the local primary school (Samuel Gilbert Primary School). When not attending the boys sporting and drama activities, Phillip's hobbies are singing and military history. He is also an owner of a leisure boating business, Pacific Boating Group, which provides membership services on luxury cruiser boats on the Pittwater and Sydney Harbour at Cabarita and Rose Bay.

On 1 January 2019, Brigadier Phillip Bridie AM ADC, was appointed Honorary Colonel of the Regiment.

 Lieutenant Colonel Wayne Higgins RFD 1 January 2001 - 31 December 2003 go to top of page

Wayne Higgins was born on 13 April 1954 in Napier New Zealand whilst his parents, both Salvation Army Lieutenant Colonels, were on overseas exchange posting.

After studying at Fort Street Boys High School in Sydney, then graduating in Rockhampton, Wayne trained as a Biological, Pathology and Histological Technician whilst employed at the University of New England in Armidale, where he was engaged until 1995.

Wayne Higgins joined A Squadron, 12th/16th Hunter River Lancers in Armidale on 20 January 1973. Serving as an Assault Trooper, M113 Driver, Crew Commander, Fire Support Vehicle (Scorpion) Gunner and Commander he rose through the ranks and was promoted to Sergeant the week before being posted to the Officer Cadet Training Unit at Ingleburn. In 1976, then TPR Higgins was awarded the Douglas Voyzey Trophy as Soldier if the Year.

Graduating as a Second Lieutenant with 32 Course OCTU on 8 March 1981, 2LT Higgins was posted back to 12/16 HRL in Armidale and took his first command of a full Reconnaissance/Surveillance troop. A number of Squadron and Regimental postings later, Captain Higgins took command of New England Company, Sydney University Regiment in Armidale. At the completion of this two year posting he then commanded A Squadron, 12/16 HRL for a further three years.

In 1993, MAJ Higgins was posted to the Army Battle Simulation Group at HQ Training Command, Georges Heights where he led the Operational Analysis and Janus Teams, spending three years in the Australian Regular Army. In 1996, MAJ Higgins was awarded the Reserve Force Decoration.

In 1998, MAJ Higgins was posted to the 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers as Second in Command where he served until graduating from the Australian Command and Staff College, promotion to Lieutenant Colonel and appointment as Commanding Officer on 1st January 2000, a posting that he held for three years.

Since completion of his tenure with the Regiment, LTCOL Higgins has held a number of staff postings such as Deputy Director Active and Standby Staff Group and worked on projects such as the Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration, various Boards of Inquiry and Tender Review Boards as well as coordinating Umpire Support to major exercises such as Talisman Sabre and Swift Eagle.

In 2014, LTCOL Higgins was posted to Headquarters Joint Operations Command where he served as Staff Officer Operational Honours and Awards until retirement from the Army on 12 April 2020 after 47 years of service. LTCOL Higgins was awarded an Australian Defence Force Gold Commendation for his work in Operational Honours and Awards.

On 14 December 2019, LTCOL Higgins was given the privilege of Reading the Last Post Ceremony at the Australian War Memorial commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the loss of TPR Douglas Voyzey.

In civilian life, Wayne Higgins is the Owner, Managing Director and Chief Security Officer of the Australian Defence Consultancy Group (ADCG).

 Lieutenant Colonel Brett Barlow psc 1 January 2004 - 31 December 2005 go to top of page

LTCOL Barlow graduated to the Royal Australian Armoured Corps from the Officer Cadet School Portsea in 1984. His regimental troop appointments included service with 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment and 1st Armoured Regiment.

On promotion to Captain he served as 2IC A Sqn and Operations Officer, 1st Armoured Regiment. He commanded A Sqn, 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment and served as Executive Officer 2nd Cavalry Regiment. On transfer to the Reserves, his service included 1st/19th RNSWR and Commanding Officer 1st/15th Royal NSW Lancers.

His instructional appointments included Senior Instructor Tactics Officer Cadet School (NZ), Adjutant and Tank Officer Instructor Tactics Wing School of Armour and Royal Military College Duntroon.

LTCOL Barlow served in staff appointments at J3 Current Operations Branch, HQ Northern Command, overseas deployment to the J3 Operations Branch Multinational Force and Observers, Sinai.

Following command of 'The Lancers', LTCOL Barlow was posted to Australian Defence Force Warfare Centre, where he was completed appointments in Exercise Wing as Staff Officer Land Exercises and Director Exercises, ADFWC.

 Lieutenant Colonel Graham Stewart 1 January 2006 - 31 December 2007 go to top of page

Colonel Graham Stewart was born in Perth, Western Australia, and enlisted in August 1984. He commenced Officer Training in February 1985 and on completion of his training, Colonel Stewart was allotted to the Royal Australian Armoured Corps.

Throughout his career, Colonel Stewart has held a full range of command, training, and staff appointments. His initial roles included serving as a Recon & Assault Troop Commander at A Squadron, 10 Light Horse Regiment. His leadership and tactical acumen led to his appointment as a Squadron Commander and then Commanding Officer of the 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers. During this period, Colonel Stewart played a pivotal role in overseeing the transition of the Regiment to Light Cavalry, a significant transformation that enhanced the unit's operational capabilities.

In 2008, Colonel Stewart's exemplary service and leadership were recognised with a promotion to his current rank. He was appointed as the Assistant Commander of the 5th Brigade, where he continued to contribute to the strategic direction and operational readiness of the Brigade. In 2011, Colonel Stewart was posted as one of Commander FORCOMD's Principal Staff Officers, further solidifying his reputation as a key strategic leader within the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

From 2013 to 2017, Colonel Stewart took a service break to work with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ministry of Interior. As the Chief Operations Officer for National Ambulance, he developed and implemented a CEN1789 & Joint Commission International compliant emergency air and ground ambulance service across the country. His work in this role was instrumental in enhancing the UAE's emergency first response capabilities. Colonel Stewart worked closely with the UAE Armed Forces, supporting their clinical (combat medic) training and land force training and operations, both domestically and offshore.

On his return to Australia, Colonel Stewart was assigned to the Joint Capabilities Group. Here, he served as the lead planner within the ADF Adaptive Sports Cell, supporting the Australian Invictus Games campaigns during 2017 and 2018. His efforts in this role were recognised with the award of the Australian Sports Medal in 2023 for his service during Operation Invincible.

Colonel Graham Stewart's career is marked by his dedication to service, leadership, and innovation. His contributions have had a lasting impact on the units he commanded and the individuals he trained and mentored. His international experience in the Middle East further exemplifies his adaptability and commitment to excellence in service across diverse and challenging environments.

Colonel Stewart has held a range of postings within the Defence Landworthiness Directorate at Army Headquarters, including the Director - Work, Health and Safety, and is currently the Director - Landworthiness Support.

His roles in the Defence Landworthiness Directorate reflect his commitment to ensuring the safety and operational effectiveness of Army personnel and equipment.

Beyond his military career, Colonel Stewart has held several senior executive positions in the private industry and healthcare sectors. His extensive experience and leadership skills have been instrumental in driving strategic initiatives and operational excellence across various domains.

Colonel Stewart is a graduate of the Army Command & Staff College and INSEAD Business School.

 Lieutenant Colonel Eric James Stevenson 1 January 2008 - 31 December 2009 go to top of page

Lieutenant Colonel Eric Stevenson graduated from Duntroon in 1978 and was allocated to the Royal Australian Armoured Corps where he qualified in both tank and reconnaissance vehicles. His initial appointment was as a Reconnaissance Troop Leader with the Second Cavalry Regiment, followed by command as a Captain of an Armoured Personnel Carrier Troop from the 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment; then based in Brisbane. A variety of Armoured Corps postings followed, interspersed with positions in officer training institutions. He returned to the 2nd Cavalry Regiment as a Squadron Commander in 1988 and this was followed by a posting to the Directorate of Armour in Puckapunyal in 1990, where he was involved in writing the Employment of Armour pamphlet.

Lieutenant Colonel Stevenson's training postings included Instructor Operations at the Women's Royal Australian Army Corps School in 1984, advanced Nuclear Biological and Chemical defence training in the United States, Canada and United Kingdom in 1985, Army Instructor at the then Australian Joint Warfare Establishment in 1986 and 1987, Squadron Commander and Staff Officer to the Commandant at the Australian Defence Force Academy from 1992 to 1995 and Second in Command of the Corps of Staff Cadets at Duntroon in 1996. In 1994 he was selected as the Contingent Commander for Exercise Long Look. This was a four-month exchange posting for 116 Navy, Army and Air Force personnel with British Forces in the United Kingdom and Europe.

In August 1998, he resigned from the Regular Army to take up a civilian position in Joint Education and Training Policy in the Department of Defence, working on the re-negotiation of the Agreement between Defence and The University of New South Wales for the provision of academic services at the Australian Defence Force Academy. In 2004 he left Defence to become the Company Director of Leadership Solutions Australia Pty Ltd. This was a Canberra-based company involved in conducting leadership development, executive coaching and organisational analysis for Public and Private Sector organisations throughout Australia. In 2007 re-joined Defence as a Public Servant as the Deputy Director Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Directorate in the Australian Defence Force Counter Improvised Threats Task Force. He retired from the Public Service on 27 January 2017 and re-joined the regular Army in the Scientific Adviser-Land office in Army Headquarters on Continuous Full Time Service.

Lieutenant Colonel Stevenson joined the Army Reserve in 2003 as Officer Commanding B Squadron, 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers. From 1 Oct 05 to 24 Feb 06 he commanded 60 soldiers from the 2nd Division on Operation RELEX II, the Australian Government response to deter potential illegal immigrants from entering Australia by sea. He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on return from that Operation. In 2006-07 he was posted to the Operations Room in Army Headquarters, as Staff Officer Grade 1 (Mobilisation). From 2008-2009 he was appointed Commanding Officer, 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers in Parramatta, Sydney. In 2010 he was posted briefly to Army Headquarters to work on Army Reserve aspects of Land 400. From 2013 he has worked as the Staff Officer Standby Reserve Coordination in Career Management-Army and as a watch keeper with the Joint Operations Support Staff (NSW/ACT). In 2015 he was deployed to Afghanistan on Operation HIGHROAD in Headquarters Resolute Support as a staff officer in the Combined Joint 35 (Future Operations) team.

He graduated from the Australian Army Command and Staff College, Queenscliff in 1991. Lieutenant Colonel Stevenson is also a graduate of The University of New South Wales, with a Bachelor of Arts in Military Studies awarded in 1978. He completed a Master of Arts in Community Education (Human Resource Development) with the University of Canberra in 1996. His adult education thesis was on the military training at the Australian Defence Force Academy.

He lives in Canberra with his wife, and they have four grown children. His leisure interests include restoring historic armoured vehicles and acting as a Rock Activities Leader with the ACT Scout Association.

 Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Monsour 1 January 2010 - 31 December 2012 go to top of page

Chris Monsour was born in Brisbane, Queensland on 6 July 1966. In 1991 he enlisted as an officer cadet with the Officer Cadet Training Unit at 1st Training Group, Wacol. In 1993 he completed officer training and received his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant and was posted to 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment (QMI) where he served as both a troop officer and then a troop leader over the next three years. In 1997 he attended RCSC and then returned to 2/14 LHR where he was promoted to the rank of Captain and served as an Ops Officer. In 2000 he returned to New South Wales with his work and was posted to headquarters 8th Brigade as an SO3 OPS officer. In 2002 he was posted to the Regiment and was initially the second in command of Trg Sqn but was then assigned in 2003 to be Squadron OC of Ops Support Squadron. In 2005 and 2006 he was promoted to the rank of Major and served as Regimental Second in Command at the Sydney University Regiment under Lieutenant Colonel Bernadette Boss, CSM. In 2007 he was posted to an instructional posting with the Land Warfare Centre (NSW). In 2008 he was posted to the Army Personnel Agency as a Career Advisor. In 2009 he returned to the Regiment as the OC of C Squadron. That same year while being an OC he also completed Command and Staff College.

In 2010 he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and assumed the command of the Regiment for the next three years. The highlight of his command was in 2010 when he commanded a combined arms battlegroup in the field composed of an a light cavalry Squadron, an infantry company from 1/19 RNSWR and various other supporting elements including engineers at the 5th Brigade Combined Arms Training Activity.

In his civilian career Chris Monsour is admitted as a barrister and solicitor in Australia and as a solicitor in the United Kingdom. He holds a bachelors and masters in law. He currently works at Hewlett Packard as the Managing Counsel for Asia. His hobbies include acting, weight training, reading history and travel.

 Lieutenant Colonel Robert Lording 1 January 2013 - 31 December 2015 go to top of page

Robert Lording was born on 22nd May 1964 and enlisted in the Army Reserve in 1986. He served as a Rifleman and Section Commander in the University of New South Wales Regiment before being appointed as an Officer Cadet. When commissioned in 1990, he was allocated to the Royal Australian Armoured Corps and posted to 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers (1/15 RNSWL) where he served as a Troop Leader for three years.

On completion of Basic Course at Regional Command and Staff College in 1993, he returned to the 1/15 RNSWL as the Second in Command of A Squadron, where he was promoted to Captain the following year. In 1996, he was posted to Sydney University Regiment as an instructor on the General Service Officer First Appointment course.

In late 1997, he returned to 1/15 RNSWL as Officer Commanding, Combat Service Support Squadron and later commanded armoured medium reconnaissance squadrons during which he exercised mounted combat teams in live fire and manoeuvre training. He was promoted to Major in 1999, and the following year was awarded a Divisional Commander's Commendation for meritorious service as Officer Commanding A Squadron. He continued his service as Second in Command of the Regiment until the end of 2001, when he accepted a position with his civilian employer based in Hong Kong and transferred to the Inactive Reserve.

On return to the Active Standby Staff Group (NSW) in 2009, the then Major Lording participated in Exercise Talisman Sabre as a member of the Environmental Management Group before serving a further posting as Second in Command of 1/15 RNSWL. He completed the Australian Command and Staff Course (Reserve) in 2012 and was awarded the Field Marshall Sir Thomas Blamey Memorial prize for academic merit.

He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in December 2012 and appointed to command 1/15 RNSWL with effect from January 2013.

In his civilian career, Colonel Lording has been employed as the Security Director for Verizon Communications since 2002, and is responsible for corporate security functions across the Asia Pacific region. He previously served in senior roles with the National Crime Authority (1990 1999) and as a Prosecutor in the NSW Police Force (1984 1990).

Lieutenant Colonel Lording is married to Jodie, who is a Major in the Army Reserve and posted to Career Advisory Group (Eastern Region). Lieutenant Colonel Lording has two teenage sons, Matt and Harry. In his spare time, he enjoys running, reading and renovating property.

After leaving the Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Robert Lording was posted to Afghanistan on a staff combat assignment. Promotion to colonel followed with service in staff postings and taking up the role of President of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps Association NSW Branch.

On 26 July 2021 Colonel Robert Lording was promoted to Brigadier and appointment to command 5 Brigade.

From 2023 Brigadier Lording served as a Lancers' Museum and Association volunteer, taking the post of Vice-President of both organisations.

 Lieutenant Colonel Scott Francis 1 January 2016 - 31 December 2018 go to top of page

Scott Francis was born on 8th August 1968 in Fremantle, Western Australia. While studying a Bachelor of Economics degree at the University of Western Australia, he enlisted in the Western Australia University Regiment in June 1988.

After completing recruit training, Lieutenant Colonel Francis was posted to the Officer Cadet Training Unit, where he graduated as a second lieutenant in January 1991. His first posting was to A Squadron 10th Light Horse, where he spent 4 years as a Troop Leader.

In 1996 Lieutenant Colonel Francis moved to Sydney for work and was posted to 1/15 Royal New South Wales Lancers (RNSWL), where he fulfilled a number of roles, including Technical Officer and Squadron 2IC. He was promoted to Captain in January 1998, and was awarded a COMD 2 Div Commendation for his work in unit recruiting.

Lieutenant Colonel Francis travelled overseas in the first half of 2001, before returning as the Officer Commanding of the Combat Services Support Squadron for 2002, and Officer Commanding A Squadron for 2003 and 2004.

In 2005 Lieutenant Colonel Francis was posted to the University of new South Wales Regiment (UNSWR) as an instructor. He took long term leave to help look after his new born son, and in 2006 returned to UNSWR. He remained in that posting until 2008, allowing him time to complete his promotion courses, as well as develop leadership and decision-making training for the Staff Cadets. This saw him awarded a second COMD 2 Div Commendation.

Lieutenant Colonel Francis was promoted to major in September 2008, and returned to 1/15 RNSWL as Officer Commanding A Squadron in 2009. In 2010 he became the Regiment's Projects Officer, before attending Australian Command and Staff College (Reserve), graduating in 2011.

Lieutenant Colonel Francis was posted to Headquarters 8th Brigade as SO1 Individual Training in 2012, where he was used in a Training and Evaluation role. He conducted the evaluation of the 8 Bde rotation on OP ANODE and was heavily engaged in the Battlegroup WARATAH training.

In 2014, Lieutenant Colonel Francis deployed on OP SLIIPER as the Future Operations Officer (J35) in the JTF headquarters, overseeing our operations in Afghanistan. During this period he was lead planner for the operational redesign, which saw OP SLIPPER divided into three new operations. Lieutenant Colonel Francis drafted the new JTF633 OPORD, and was also lead planner for contingency operations in Iraq under OP OKRA. In recognition of his work he was awarded a CJTF633 Commendation.

On 1 January 2016 Scott was posted to command the Regiment and promoted lieutenant colonel.

Lieutenant Colonel Francis works in the IT Project Management field in his civilian occupation. His interests include military history and caring for his two young sons and daughter with his wife Carolyn.

 Lieutenant Colonel Andrew White 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2021 go to top of page

Born is Sydney in 1978, Lieutenant Colonel White joined the Army Reserve in 1996, through Sydney University Regiment (SUR). He completed his final six weeks of officer training at the Royal Military College, before graduating as a 2nd Lieutenant in February 1998 to the Royal Australian Armoured Corps.

Lieutenant Colonel White's first posting was to the 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers (1/15 RNSWL). Over the next several postings he served in every Squadron of the Regiment across a diverse range of roles from armoured reconnaissance Troop Leader to Squadron Executive Officer. This period also included promotion to Captain in 2003.

Lieutenant Colonel White was relocated interstate with his civilian work after this time, necessitating a transfer to the Inactive Reserve.

In 2006, Lieutenant Colonel White returned to Sydney and the Active Reserve, with a posting to a Formation HQ.

In 2009 Lieutenant Colonel White was posted to Army Personnel Agency, Sydney as a Staff Officer Grade Three Promotion and Selection, supporting selection boards and PACs. Lieutenant Colonel White was then posted back to the 1/15 RNSWL in 2011, serving in both Operations with RHQ and supporting A Squadron HQ. During this year he also served as the Brigade S33 on the 5th Brigade Combined Arms Training Activity.

In 2012, Lieutenant Colonel White was posted back to SUR, on promotion as Officer Commanding Training Company. Over the following three years the Company planned and delivered the First Appointment Course Training Blocks Two to Four, as well as the Junior Leaders Course Modules One and Two. Lieutenant Colonel White acted as the Senior Instructor or Assistant Chief Instructor for over 30 courses, and saw the graduation of over 1,100 trainees. For this posting he was awarded a Divisional commendation for contributions to training within the 2nd Division.

In 2015 Lieutenant Colonel White was selected for and attended Australian Command and Staff College (Reserve). He placed second in the overall order of merit for the course based on performance across all modules.

By request he was posted back to 1/15 RNSWL as the Regimental Second in Command in 2016, before promotion to Lieutenant Colonel at the end of that year.

Following promotion, Lieutenant Colonel White was posted to Headquarters 5th Brigade, initially as the Staff Officer Grade One - Plans (SO1 Plans) and then SO1 Training. The following two years saw him work on development of the Brigade Operations Order, transformation between 8th Brigade and 5th Brigade, recruitment and support to individual and collective training, including preparation and certification of Battle Group Waratah for Hamel 2018 and 'Ready'.

On 1 January 2019 he was posted back to the 1/15 RNSWL as the Commanding Officer of the Regiment.

Lieutenant Colonel White's time in command was during an unprecedented utilisation and operational tempo of the Regiment, not seen since 1945. This included 1/15 RNSWL leading OPERATION TARTAN OCEANIA 19 in support of the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo (Sydney). This was followed by the first ever call out of the Army Reserve in January 2020 during OPERATION BUSHFIRE ASSIST 19-20 where the Regiment deployed two sub-units, and constituted key Joint Task Force staff appointments. In April 2020 1/15 RNSWL then constituted it's own Joint Task Unit (JTU Lancer) under OPERATION COVID-19 ASSIST providing quartaintine compliance management support to NSW Police in major commercial shipping ports for several months. Later that year the 1/15 RNSWL JTU Lancer was stood up again at short notice to assist NSW Police with management of the NSW-VIC Border closure. His command, drew substantial commendation by senior officers.

In 2021 Andrew was deployed to the Middle East for several months to assist with retrograde activity of the ADF across the Middle East Region. The Regiment was most fortunate to have a soldier of his calibre command it.

In his civilian career Andrew works in Human Resources having worked at several large ASX Listed companies. He also serves on the Board of a Not-For-Profit NGO, which provides health and education services to remote communities in Oro Province, Papua New Guinea.

He is married to Robyn, who is also a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserve, serving as a Senior Medical Officer. They have two school age daughters. His hobbies include military history, rugby union and skiing.

In the 2022 Queen's Birthday Honours List Lieutenant Colonel White was awarded the Conspicuous Service Cross for "For outstanding achievement as the Staff Officer Grade 1 - Plans of Joint Task Force 1110 during Operation Bushfire Assist 2020, and as the Commanding Officer of Joint Task Unit 629.1.3 during Operation COVID-19 Assist 2020".

With effect from 1 January 2023, Andrew White was promoted Colonel to command the NSW Army Cadet Brigade.

 Lieutenant Colonel Colin Shadbolt 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2024 go to top of page

Born in Sydney, Colin Shadbolt was educated at Sydney Grammar School. He was commissioned into the Royal Australian Armoured Corps and was appointed as a Sabre Troop Leader in A Squadron 1/15 RNSWL. In his first year as a troop leader, his troop was awarded the Regimental "Best Troop trophy.

Colin held a number of Regimental postings including Squadron Technical Officer/Battle Captain, and responsibility for training junior officers prior to their attendance at ROBC. In 2000, he was posted to 1 Ground Liaison Group (1GL Gp) where he initially served as Assistant Ground Liaison Officer to 76 and 77 Squadrons Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).

The first reservist to do so, he graduated as a Forward Air Controller and was awarded the Callsign "Dagger 60". Colin was posted as an Instructor to the Forward Air Control Development Unit. He participated in the Five Powers Defence Agreement exercise in Singapore, and undertook a cruise aboard the USS Kitty Hawk as part of Commander US 7th Fleet's flag staff for Talisman Sabre.

In 2006 Colin was provisionally promoted to Major. In 2007 he was posted as Officer Commanding A SQN 1/15 RNSWL where he oversaw the Squadrons conversion from Armoured Reconnaissance to Light Cavalry. In 2013 Colin supported the Headquarters 5th Brigade planning cell, and was posted in as Staff Officer Plans where he co-ordinated the planning effort for maritime-led Defence Aid to the Civil Community (DACC). In 2015 he graduated from the Australian Command and Staff College (Reserve) with a Credit.

On graduation, Colin was posted as Executive Officer for Sydney University Regiment (SUR). As XO he understudied the Commanding Officer. In 2016, Colin refocused the unit recruitment strategy on Greater Western Sydney and built relationships with Western Sydney University. In 2017 Colin formed a platoon from Officer Cadet Company at Lancer Barracks in Parramatta to capitalise on this relationship.

In 2018, he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and posted to HQ NSW Australian Army Cadets (AAC) as Deputy Commander of the NSW AAC Brigade. In this role he acted as the Brigade Commander during the Commanders absence, and formed the NSW growth strategy and its implementation, including a social media presence for the Brigade and digitization of courses for NSW.

Colin deployed to Afghanistan in 2019 as the J3 advisor to Kabul Garrison Command. In this role he restructured the information passage through the JOC resulting in expedited response times to attacks in Kabul. In 2020 on his return, he was Force Assigned to JTF 629 as the HQ CO. In January 2021 Colin was posted as SO1 Plans to HQ 5 BDE. In April 2021 he was appointed as the CO of JTU629.1.1 commanding the NSW Joint Task Unit in support of Op Covid Assist, for which he received a commendation.

In his civilian career, Colin works with AI, data and analytics companies to identify and develop intellectual property for commercialisation and productisation, including the business casing and go to market process.

Lieutenant Colonel Shadbolt was appointed to command 1/15 RNSWL in January 2022. Colin is married to Kathryn and has a 2 year old daughter. He has two sons from an earlier marriage aged 18 and 19. His leisure interests include shooting, motorcycle touring, scuba diving and international travel. He is an average but enthusiastic cook.

 Lieutenant Colonel Gregory Barter 1 January 2025 - go to top of page

Lieutenant Colonel (LTCOL) Barter joined the Army in 1992 as an army reserve officer cadet at Sydney University Regiment. After graduating from Sydney University, he transferred to the Regular Army and graduated from the Royal Military College, Duntroon in 1994.

His first appointment was as a Troop Leader in 1st Armoured Regt (1996-97). He has also served as a Troop Leader at 2nd Royal Tank Regiment when on exchange with the British Army. In 1999, he was promoted and posted to 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers (1/15 RNSWL) where he served as the Adjutant and Operations Officer (OPSO). The remainder of his Regimental time has been with 1/15 RNSWL which includes serving as Officer Commanding of C Squadron twice, first in 2002 after transferring to the Army Reserve, and more recently in 2022. He was the Regimental Second in Command after promotion to Major in 2012 until 2015. His long association with 1/15 RNSWL makes him excited to return as the Commanding Officer in 2025.

LTCOL Barter has had several operational postings. While still in the Regular Army he served on Operation BEL ISI as the Liaison Officer for the Commander in 1999/2000 and then as a watchkeeper at Headquarters (HQ) Australian Theatre in 2001. In 2022, he acted as the OPSO for JTU 629.1.1 during domestic operations as part of the defence assistance after floods in Windsor. His staff postings include serving with HQ 8 Brigade (Bde) as a workforce plans officer assisting Bde Recruiting (2015-16) and the S5 for HQ 5 Bde in 2023 in an acting role and then substantive in 2024 after promotion to LTCOL.

In 2017, LTCOL Barter attended Australian Command and Staff College (Reserve). His other qualifications include a Bachelor of Science: Maths and Physics and post graduate qualification of Certified Financial Planner. His professional memberships include the Financial Advice Association of Australia and Profession of Independent Financial Advisers. In 2022, he established his own business, specialising in independent financial advice.

He has four children and holds a lifelong interest in military history. He is an enthusiastic member of the Redwood Ski Club and a member of the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia where he has campaigned in several offshore ocean racing series as the skipper and crew, including a divisional win in the 2016 Sydney to Hobart.

Assembled by: Philip Vernon and John Howells

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