The Royal New South Wales Lancers

Lancer - Trooper Later Bombardier Stanley Chippindale DCM

Bombardier Stanley Francis Chippindale was a Lancer who fought and won the Distinguished Conduct Medal in World War 1 and died of pneumonia in the UK.

Stanley Francis Chippindale was born at Parramatta, NSW in 1894 to parents John Gabriel Chumstie and Alice Carrington Chippindale (nee Walton). Stan was listed as a student at St. Patrick’s School, Parramatta. Alice Chippindale, Stan’s mother, died on 16 July 1904. Stan lived in Boundary Street Parramatta and was a "shop assistant" in the employ of Mr Harry Quigley, mercer (a dealer in textile fabrics, especially silks, velvets, and other fine materials), of Parramatta.

In 1912 Stan enlisted in the Regiment at 18. From his photo in Lancer uniform with black cock's plumes (bot emu feathers) we can see that he trained as a signaller. He was 21 when on 4 August 1915 he joined the AIF as a trooper with 12 Light Horse, 6th Reinforcements.

Trooper Stanley Francis Chippindale embarked from Sydney, NSW on RMS Moldovia on 2 October 1915. He was too late to see service in Gallipoli. In training Stan rose in rank to acting sergeant but at that time, possible further deployment of the Light Horse was uncertain. Bright trained signallers were needed in the Artilllery; Stan, desperate for action forwent his stripes and secured a posting to the 13th Field Artillery Brigade (5 Div Fd Arty) at Moascar as a Gunner on 1 April, 1916. He shone in training and was promoted Bombardier on 17 April 1916.

Bombardier Stanley Chippindale embarked from Alexandria on 16 June 1916 on the Tunisian and disembarked at Marseilles in France on 23 June 1916. He was transferred to 25 Field Artillery Brigade on 9 July 1916.

In action at Fromelles 19 July 1916, he showed "conspicuous gallantry during operations as a telephone specialist. He worked incessantly under very heavy shell and rifle fire, maintaining communications between the trenches and the battery. He was buried by the explosion of a shell, but, on being rescued, at once restored the communications and maintained them till relieved." [DCM Citation]. For this he was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal.

Soon after his recognised work Stanley was wounded in action, one of the 5,533 Australian casualties that fateful day. He was admitted to 1 Casualty Clearing Station on 20 July then transferred to No. 1 Ambulance Train. He was admitted to 13th General Hospital at Boulogne-sur-Mer, France on 21 July 1916 and embarked for England on 22 July on Hospital Ship St Dennis. He was admitted to 1 Northern General Hospital, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland, England on 23 July. In this hospital Stan caught pneumonia, he died on 17 August 1916.

A lancer whose competence, devotion to duty and sacrifice will always be remembered. His passing is noted on the Memorial at Prince Alfred Park, the AWM in Canberra and other local memorials. He is buried at St. Andrews and Jesmond Cemetery, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England.

Our thanks to Cathy Sedgwick Granville Historical Society for the research on which this article is based.

Grave Photo - Mike Berrell

John Howells

© New South Wales Lancers Memorial Museum Incorporated ABN 94 630 140 881; Linden House, Lancer Barracks, 2 Smith Street, PARRAMATTA, AUSTRALIA
Postal Address: PO Box 7287, PENRITH SOUTH NSW 2750, AUSTRALIA; Telephone: +61 (0)405 482 814 Email:
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